Monday, March 14, 2022

i really needed help

 Today in class we did group meetings!! If you don't know what those are, we were assigned groups in which we gave ideas and opinions on each other's work, and my god when I tell you I really needed that help. I really enjoyed seeing everyone's work and how for into the project everyone is. It made me feel better about still being filming since there are still people who haven't started filming or editing. Speaking of which, blog post soon about my editing process because oh boy do I have a lot to talk about that.

Here's a little picture of all of us! I really enjoyed this group I think we all really helped each other with constructive criticism and ideas to help each other's projects and I'm quite happy with what was said about mine :D

They liked it :D

I really enjoyed all of their projects as well, they were really good and it was nice to see... well, my competition.

Here are opinions and ideas they offered about my project so far:

  • Voice overs: One thing I had thought about but not really written about in this blog is my worry about the dialogue. My piece is heavily dialogue-driven and the audio from the recordings isn't exactly professional-sounding, to say the least. It's not bad just not the best it could be. So, my group suggested I recorded voice-overs of all the dialogue and synch it with the footage. This is something I wanted to avoid because it's really hard to do (something I learned from the music marketing project) but since I don't have a microphone it might be my only option for a professional-looking film. I'll be considering this and talking to my actress about it but one pro about the voice-overs is that she can record them at home, so it doesn't require us to be in the same space or worry about each other's schedules (which is currently a problem we're facing).
  • Shadows: This is something I had never considered before but I found quite intriguing. Some of my fellow students in this group pointed out that a way I could make it easier to distinguish between Rhia and the clones could be working with shadows. Since I'm heavily relying on lighting for this piece it could be a really good idea, and very doable, but I would have to give it some thought because I honestly don't see how shadows could add to this scene. This will require a lot of brainstorming. Time to give my brain a workout!
  • Still shots: They agreed with me that adding still shots for my credits at the beginning of the film would be a good idea! And I agree, not only would it give me more time as I'm worried about not reaching 2 minutes, but it also fits the genre pretty well. A lot of coming-of-age movies have this kind of shot at the beginning of films to introduce their credits, usually with some music playing in the background as the character is sometimes in the same room, hinting at their actions. In my case, this would be before Rhia walked into the room, just with the muffled electronic music playing in the background. Something I would have to consider is the lighting for this though, would it be purple? Or would it be just dark since Rhia isn't in the room still? Would be visible if it's just dark?
  • Credits: This one I actually suggested, and it is since most of us are doing the project by ourselves, to avoid the repetition of having our names for almost all of the credit roles, we could spice things up by putting different versions of our names in each one. For example, in the first one we write the full name, then the first name, then the last name, then nicknames, and so on. I think it's a fun idea that could be lighthearted but still professional.

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it was the end of a decade... but the start of an age

 LONG LIVE THE WALLS WE CRASHED THROUGH 😭😭 why have I started the last two blog posts with a song... I'm clearly not mentally stable.....