Tuesday, March 1, 2022

i got the green light!!

 Yesterday I showed my teacher my script for the film opening and she really liked it 🥺 and it filled me with the fuzzy feelings of gratification :DD. I'm so excited and nervous about this project. My teacher seems to really enjoy it and I'm very happy about it but at the same time, I feel even more pressured to make it perfect. One thing to know about me is that I'm an overachiever perfectionist and if things don't go the way I intend them to go I get very stressed, but so far everything has been okay for this project and I'm very glad. 

Anyways, my teacher gave me feedback for the screenplay andddd I have revised it, and here is the new and probably last version of it :D any other changes will either be made on the storyboard or on the filming process. I had to cut the scene short and adapt some things because she said it was too long and would go over 2 minutes, but I really like the way it ended, better now than before.

She liked the color use and said that I should do cuts whenever switching between the clones and Rhia, as well as the shot where she will be sitting next to a clone, she said I should have someone else sitting there with the same shirt Rhia was wearing and then only film their shoulder so it gives off the impression that they are sitting next to each other.

She also gave the idea to the scene ending, where she will throw the phone across the room and the clones will disappear, and she will sigh and get up to grab the phone. And I said that at the moment I could have the title of the piece appearing on screen so that it is not the last thing seen on the screen and it blends well with the scene but also calls attention. For that, I will be needing big bold letters, so I plan to look for fonts later this week. 

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it was the end of a decade... but the start of an age

 LONG LIVE THE WALLS WE CRASHED THROUGH 😭😭 why have I started the last two blog posts with a song... I'm clearly not mentally stable.....